Wattbike was born more than 20 years ago with one goal - create the ultimate indoor training bike.
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Why Wattbike?
Wattbike was born from a belief in training differently. We believe in disrupting the health and fitness industry, and challenging the way elite athletes train. We pioneered data-driven training, and continually innovate to create the latest technology and advancements in sport science in all of our products and training content.
We saw a need for an accurate, reliable and affordable indoor training tool that would help measure, benchmark and improve performance in a simple and effective way. In 2008, after eight years of research and development, we launched the Wattbike Pro/Trainer in partnership with British Cycling.
It quickly became clear that an accurate, accessible and versatile indoor trainer was needed in the health and fitness industry. Health Clubs began to install Wattbikes into their facilities in 2012, making elite equipment available to the public for the first time ever.
Following these early adopters, Wattbikes can today be found in health and fitness chains, elite sports teams, hospitality, medical facilities, schools and universities as well as the military and other uniformed services across the globe.
Businesses who empower their customers to become Wattbikers see increased member retention rates, increased numbers of new members, and doubled occupancy rates for group cycling classes.
With today’s elite athlete and team data driven training philosophy, along with the sheer robustness and accuracy of the Wattbikes, they have quickly became the secret weapon of the training room.
Wattbike has become an integral part of every AFL team training programme. From off-feet conditioning to rehabilitation and everything in between, the "watties" are one of the most versatile pieces of equipment and are often on the sidelines on game day.
But Wattbikes aren’t just for cyclists and AFL players. Wattbike is the choice for the world’s greatest athletes. NovoFit are proud to provide some of Australia's elite sporting clubs and athletes with Wattbike. Most NRL teams, national and state based institutes of sport, National Sporting Organisations such as BMX Australia, Cycling Australia, Cricket Australia, Rowing Australia have all adopted Wattbike as their go-to training tool.
Everything that we do, everything that I do, every decision I make, has to contribute to us being the most physically dominant team in AFL history. When I look for equipment for our team it has to be with keeping that in mind.
David Joyce
Professional Sports - High Performance Coach
At the St George Illawarra Dragons, we continually strive to deliver the very best high-performance football program in the NRL. To do this, we rely on the very best training equipment and technology. Novofit have been crucial in supplying our players with the best possible gear to maximise athletic development.